Design Tools Guide

How to use the designer tools

Help Guide

Slideshow picture tools

Start by filling out your detailed dog information, uploading photos, setting captions all from the easy admin view shown in this video.

Any slideshow on a page will immediately begin using the updated captions and new picture order.

Slideshow Order and Captions

*walkthrough video

Page Design, Text, and Layouts

*walkthrough video

Page Design Tools

Learn the difference between data entry admin views, page design mode and the public view of your pages and how to toggle between the different views.

Rich Text, Formatting

Learn about blocks and how to add a new rich text 'block' to a page with the Drag and Drop technique. Then edit the text, formatting options, and arrange the content how you want it on all screen sizes (desktop, tablet, phone) so that your page is accessible to anyone on any device.


See how to pick your color theme by picking two major colors and use shades of those colors behind your content. See how we handle color contrast for visibility to all viewers.

Need guidance or hands on help?

If you need general advice on page design, then we recommend getting feedback from more people in our user community.

If you're having trouble making something work, then check out one of our help guides below or contact our support team.

We are happy to help.

Canine Zeal user community OR Email the Support team

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Need to talk to us and see how Canine Zeal is right for you and how to use it effectively? Pick a time to talk on the calendar below.